REQUIREMENTS & USECASESYour imagination is the limit
The choice of where to use the wind turbines is entirely yours. With a simple and convenient installation system, there are numerous areas of application available. Let us know where you’re interested in utilizing wind power, and we’ll help you find the optimal solution to suit your specific requirements.
Turn your city lights from energy guzzlers to energy producers.
Energy autonomous areas
Energy-self sufficient supplies are necessary for critical infrastructure areas, ranging from sensor networks for water supplies in communities, to information monitors for transport and logistics
Power Lines
Use existing infrastructure from power lines - even in the remotest areas.
Illuminate your motorways and access roads with energy-autonomous pillars.
Use the existing supports and poles of cable and gondola lifts to improve the energy balance of their operations.
Car charging
Extend your charger and load your car with wind energy
Wind Conditions
Recommended for turbulent regions and independent of wind direction, such as for overhead signs on highways. We suggest utilizing the product within the following wind speed range.
Runin wind speed
Optimum wind speed
Rated wind speed
Using existing infrastructure
If necessary, we can leverage pre-existing infrastructure, such as high voltage lines or highways, or alternatively function autonomously in isolated regions.